Our Profile
Krish Biotech Research Private Limited (KBRPL) is an independent Contract Research Organization located in Kalyani, West Bengal, providing integrated discovery, development and regulatory services. Being a NGCMA (GLP) and NABL (ISO-17025:2017) certified CRO, we serve clients with diverse regulatory data generation requirement.
KBRPL state-of-the-art laboratory is well designed and developed based on the requirement of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) with services like General toxicology (including 6- Pack, Repeated dose, DART), Eco-toxicology, Genetic-toxicology, Product chemistry, 5-Batch, DMPK, Bioanalytical and more.
KBRPL is one of its kind in the Eastern part of India which provides integrated discovery, development and regulatory services across Agrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Specialty Chemical, Medical device, Nutraceutical, Cosmetics etc. The futuristic and leadership approach and thinking of KBRPL is evident from the fact that it is the first and only GLP Compliant lab in the whole of eastern and north eastern India.

Key Personal

Our Scientific Team
At Krish Biotech Research, our success is driven by our exceptional scientific team. Comprised of highly skilled and dedicated professionals comprising on doctorates and post graduates. Our team is committed to providing unparalleled expertise in the field of contract research services adhering to the rigorous standards of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).
Our Scientific Team consists of accomplished scientists, researchers, and technicians who possess extensive experience across a broad range of scientific disciplines. Equipped with advanced knowledge, technical proficiency, and a passion for innovation, our team members are at the forefront of cutting-edge research and development.
Our team has the exact Expertise and Specialization required for industry. We have a team which is well trained in Advanced Facilities. We believe in working on a Collaborative Approach keeping in mind the Compliance and Quality. Krish Biotech also gives strong emphasis on continuous Professional Development of the team.

Our aim is to provide highest quality services to our clients
Our aim is to provide highest quality services to our clients considering our performance, consistency, safety and value. In order to achieve this, we are continually improving processes, products and services, meeting and exceeding customer satisfaction at all times. The implementation of the quality policy is the responsibility of all staff members, including the management. It is obligatory that all staff recognize and accept our philosophy of quality service delivery accurate services on time. It is only by means of proper and positive commitment, that an organization can scale new heights and emerge victorious in the competitive scientific world.
We uphold an unwavering commitment to quality, ensuring accurate and reliable results every time. We adhere to rigorous standards, leaving no room for compromise when it comes to excellence in scientific research.

Mission Statement
We are passionate towards continually improving our quality by proactively keeping pace with the latest technical procedures by continuous training of our scientific staff and assuring scientific validity for all the non-clinical health and environmental safety studies conducted at KBRPL complying with the global regulations. It is always our aim to continually improve, grow in all spheres and domains of work assisted by the best experts around and achieve all that we set out to.
At KBRPL, the team of the steering committee has foresight because we are the first that decide the fate of a molecule at the non-clinical stage and it becomes important for us to deliver best for our clients.
We have a firm belief in our values
- Excellence: Get it exact the first time and always keep striving for it
- Consistency: Keeping abreast with the scientific and regulatory aspects and consistently deliver solutions to clients. Henceforth establishing trust and garnering support from all fields of work.
- Trust: Maintain self-integrity and honesty in all dealings as trust is the foundation for all things positive
- Innovation: Implementation of new ideas for organizational advancement, as innovation is the new way to move ahead.

All Department is facilitated with modern equipment, which are validated &calibrated as per OECD GLP requirements:
Chemistry Department is facilitated with modern equipment, which are validated &calibrated as per OECD GLP requirements.Some of the major equipment are listed below:
Analytical Chemistry:
- Instrument/Equipment Instrument/Equipment
- GLC-FID/ECD Liquid Scintillation Analyser
- HPLC-DAD Biological Material Oxydiser
- UV-Vis Spectrophotometer GLC-FID-GCRAM
- FT-IR Radio TLC Scanner (Soft B)
- LC-MS/MS Analytical Balance XP 2015
- Balance XP 205 Analytica Fume Hood/Glove Box
- HPLC-UV-Vis / DC Tissue Homogenizer/Grinder Centrifuge Deep freezer
- TP-Filtration kit Water Bath for Hydrolysis
- Density meter Merry Go Round Apparatus
- Lab Water Purifier Illumination Chambers
- Rotary Evaporator Plant Growth Chamber
- pH meter C02 Measuring Equipment
- Viscometer Multimeter with NO2/NO3 electrode
- Karl Fischer + Auto Titrator BOD Incubator
- GC-FID DO Meter
- Surface Tensiometer AAS
- Oven, Heater, Mantle, Water Bath etc Others
Animal Facility:
KBRPL houses different species and strains of laboratory animals like rats, mice, rabbits and guinea pigs depending on the studies that are being earned out at any point of time. KBRPL has state-ofthe-art animal House with HVAC systems in place to maintain the environmental conditions uniformly as per the requirements of regulatory and animal welfare authorities. The temperature maintained is between 17-25OC depending on the species and strain of laboratory animals and ecotoxicological test system. The humidity is maintained between 30-70%. The HVAC system is designed to have and maintain 20+ air changes per hour and 12 hours dark and 12 hours light cycle maintained through automated timers. The Animal House has a central clean corridor and peripheral service corridors with storage rooms for clean and sterilized materials, so that there is no mix-up of clean and used material. Air shower at the entry to clean area and huge horizontal autoclave for sterilization of material going into the clean area available along with other regular instruments in the animal house.
The Toxicology facility with 17+ rooms, having the latest HVAC system and maintaining the environmental conditions as per the national and international requirements, is well equipped to cater to the needs of Agrochemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Medical Device Industries.
KBRPL has submitted studies /packages including 6-Pack Studies, Genotoxicity studies, repeat dose toxicity studies and ecotoxicological studies, for more than 35 agrochemical product registration for Indian and oversees authorities. KBRPL is well equipped to complete the 6-Pack studies for agrochemical within competitive prices and adhering to the shortest possible

Our Corporate Social Responsibility:
Training: We believe in training of each and every personnel working at KBRPL such that an individual can conduct the assigned task independently without any scope of error. Additionally, KBRPL also supports training to college students who join KBRPL for their apprenticeship as a part of their curriculum. Our experts train students to such an extent that they understand the scope and objective of each and every process they perform. Many of these students after completion of their training, get absorbed at KBRPL itself
Environmental Protection: We at KBRPL understand that the testing conducted on wide variety of compounds are not only hazardous to humans but are also effecting environment also, thus we believe in protecting our environment by not dumping the wastes like HPLC eluents, spent acids, expired test item directly in the environment, but, we collect the waste at a dedicated area made up of concrete and hand over to the third party on regular basis. Not only chemical waste but biological waste is collected and keep in deep freezer, handed it over to the vendor recognized by local environmental protection agency. By following such regulations, we ensure that we do our bit to preserve our environment.
Safety: We at KBRPL take utmost care for safety of personnel while working immaterial of their level in hierarchy. All the wide variety of chemicals received at KDRPL accompanies with Certificate of Analysis, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and other safety details. Every personnel works ensuring its own safety by wearing appropriate personnel protective equipment (PPE). Whether its Test item control office, Archives, Clinical Pathology, chemistry department, toxicology department or even QAU, while conducting we exercise personnel safety.

Message from Director:
KBRPL provides a social working environment that helps to develop as an individual along with the whole team thereby adding up the strengths of all involved personnel and contribute to the realization of a better society as a good corporate citizen. We also strive to ensure full compliance never forgetting our duties towards protection of the global environment.
KBRPL aims to be a world class organization by enhancing value, caring for our employees inspiring them to work as a motivated team in an open environment proactive to learning, thereby setting newer standards of performance. We also focus on Total Quality Management, Innovation and Responsive Care towards the Environment.
Every individual at KBRPL makes a difference by dedicating themselves to deliver accurately customer requirement and believes in completing the task innovatively. Our skilled team assists in anticipating challenges that accelerates in preclinical studies with a wide segment of safety assessment services.
KBRPL possesses state-of-the-art facility where our expert researchers accomplish individual study with high precision and sometimes testing programs are designed with clients’ goals. Our regulatory experts ensure that all testing meets worldwide standards for quality and compliance, smoothing the path to market.
Our tagline “Partnering Quality Research” undoubtedly reflects our culture at KBRPL, we partner with our clients and believe in delivering quality reports with scientifically sound and quality results for our clients for registration purpose.

Ethics & Animal Welfare:
At Krish Biotech Research, we are deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of animal welfare in our scientific research and testing practices. We recognize the intrinsic value and well-being of all animals under our care and prioritize their ethical treatment throughout every step of our work.
Our animal facility is registered under CPCSEA, under the ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) ensures benevolent and justified use of animals for Research.
We adhere to international guidelines and regulations, including the principles of the Three Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) to minimize the use of animals and promote alternative methods whenever feasible.
By integrating the principles of animal welfare into our research, we aim to not only produce reliable and high-quality results but also contribute to the well-being of the animals entrusted to us.